Poverty Data Resources
The following resource pages are designed to give context and local history of the Asheville area.
Community and Economic Development Website Collects Current City of Asheville Data:
Community and Economic Development Homelessness Data
- Homelessness Data
- Point in Time Counts
- System Performance Measures
- Contact Information
Overview of Homelessness in Asheville
- Who’s homeless in Asheville?
- Why are people homeless?
- What about people who choose to be homeless?
- Are people losing housing here, or arriving here without housing?
- What services are available to people experiencing homelessness, and how do they access them?
- What’s the best way for me to support people experiencing homelessness?
- I live or work in a high-traffic area and often encounter people experiencing homelessness. How can I make sure we interact positively?
- When is it appropriate to call law enforcement or emergency responders?
- Is “ending homelessness” realistic?
- Contact Information
Poverty Data
The data on this page is a snapshot of summer 2024 available data. The website source links will provide more detailed and updated data.
- Buncombe County Administration:
- The poverty rate in Asheville, North Carolina was 13.9% in 2020, which is higher than the state average of 12.9% and increasing.
- In 2023, an informal report to the Board of Commissioners in Buncombe County found that 11.1% of working residents aged 16–64 were in poverty, compared to 19.2% of people with disabilities and 9% of seniors aged 65 and older.
- The largest demographic groups living in poverty are females aged 25–34, followed by females aged 18–24, and then males aged 25–34.
- Dogwood Health Trust found 22% of Western North Carolina children under the age of 6 live in families making less than the federal poverty level. (Citizen Times 2022)
- City of Asheville Homelessness Data (2024):
- Census Bureau Poverty Thresholds: 2023 Poverty level for a family of 4 (2 children under 18 ): $30,900
- Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation: Poverty Guidelines
- Census Bureau Quick Facts: Population, income, housing data
- Selected Economic Indicators (2023): These initiatives include targeted job growth in high wage sectors, support for Pre-K programs and childcare centers, workforce development programs and collaborations, and investments in affordable housing, broadband and poverty by demographic
- Buncombe County Board of Commissioners: (2023) Economic indicators, median wage by job category,
Affordable Housing
Asheville Affordable Housing Website
- HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program
- Community Development Division Website on Homelessness
- Community Development Homeless Updates / Resources
- Affordable Housing Resource Guide – English
- Affordable Housing Resource Guide – Spanish
- Homeless Resource Guide
- Homeless Resource Guide for Business
- Center for Disease Control (CDC) Pandemic Guidance for Homeless
- Contact Information