The following resource pages are designed to give context and local history of the Asheville area.

Citizen Times Article: Volunteers ask Asheville’s homeless: What do you wish our community understood?

Community and Economic Development Website Collects Current City of Asheville Data:

Community and Economic Development Homelessness Data

  • Homelessness Data
  • Point in Time Counts
  • System Performance Measures
  • Contact Information

Overview of Homelessness in Asheville

  • Who’s homeless in Asheville?
  • Why are people homeless?
  • What about people who choose to be homeless?
  • Are people losing housing here, or arriving here without housing?
  • What services are available to people experiencing homelessness, and how do they access them?
  • What’s the best way for me to support people experiencing homelessness?
  • I live or work in a high-traffic area and often encounter people experiencing homelessness.  How can I make sure we interact positively?
  • When is it appropriate to call law enforcement or emergency responders?
  • Is “ending homelessness” realistic?
  • Contact Information

Poverty Data

The data on this page is a snapshot of summer 2024 available data. The website source links will provide more detailed and updated data.

Affordable Housing

Asheville Affordable Housing Website